Council Minutes

OHA’s Officers, Council, and Executive Office meet monthly via Zoom, and in-person twice a year at the Midwinter (February) and Annual (October) Meetings. OHA Officers, Council, and Executive Office also hold an open business meeting with all OHA members at the Annual Meeting. Minutes are taken by OHA’s Program Associate at every meeting of Council. Minutes from each Council meeting are reviewed and approved at the following meeting, after which they are made available here to the public. Minutes from the Annual Meeting Business Meeting are also posted here for review, and will be up for approval at the following year’s Annual Meeting Business Meeting.


2024 Council Meeting 5 Minutes (May)

2024 Council Meeting 4 Minutes (April)

2024 Council Meeting 3 Minutes (Midwinter Meeting – February)

2024 Council Meeting 2 Minutes (February)

2024 Council Meeting 1 Minutes (January)


2023 Council Meeting 10 Minutes (December)

2023 Annual Meeting Business Meeting Minutes (October)

2023 Council Meeting 8 Minutes (Annual Meeting – October)

2023 Council Meeting 7 Minutes (September)

2023 Council Meeting 6 Minutes (June)

2023 Council Meeting 5 Minutes (May)

2023 Council Meeting 4 Minutes (April)

2023 Council Meeting 3 Minutes (Midwinter Meeting – February)

2023 Council Meeting 2 Minutes (February)

2023 Council Meeting 1 Minutes (January)


2022 Annual Meeting Council Meeting Minutes (October)

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