OHA comes to Oklahoma City
The OHA annual meeting was recently spotlighted in the Oklahoma Gazette. You can read the piece on their website here.
The OHA annual meeting was recently spotlighted in the Oklahoma Gazette. You can read the piece on their website here.
Want to meet new people and network with oral historians from your region? Join Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) for a fun and social happy hour on Friday, October 11, in Oklahoma City. Meet up at the Skirvin Hilton lobby at 5:30pm. Email OHMAR board members Kate Scott (scott.kate@gmail.com) or Abby Perkiss (aperkiss@gmail.com)
As many of you know, in conjunction with the new executive structure, the OHA has been undergoing a strategic planning process to help chart where the organization will be going over the next four years. Toward that end, we have have been working with Janet Rechtman, a strategic planning consultant. Janet is no stranger to
Special session at meeting to discuss OHA strategic plan Read More »
Want to meet new people and network with oral historians from your region? Join Oral History in the Mid-Atlantic Region (OHMAR) for a fun and social happy hour on Friday, October 11, in Oklahoma City. Meet up at the Skirvin Hilton lobby at 5:30pm. Email OHMAR board members Kate Scott (scott.kate@gmail.com) or Abby Perkiss (aperkiss@gmail.com)
The public presentation by Ed Linenthal on Friday, October 11 at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum is still on, despite the government shutdown. According to the Memorial’s website, “The Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum is open for business despite the government shutdown. The Memorial and Museum was built and is owned and
Public Presentation at Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum Still On Read More »
A key benefit of attending the annual meeting of the OHA is the opportunity to interact with oral historians working in similar settings or with related concerns . At the suggestion of many of those who responded to the OHA’s 2013 survey about the annual meeting, we have built interest group meetings into the structure
Many of the 2013 Annual Meeting presenters have provided abstracts for their papers and panels. Please take the time to peruse the list as the meeting rapidly approaches. Download Abstracts
Rosalie Riegle, winner of the Stetson Kennedy Vox Populi Award will be talking and signing books at the Joy Mennonite Church, 504 NE 16th Street, Oklahoma City on Thursday, Oct. 10 at 7pm. The event is hosted by the Oklahoma Center for Conscience.
Vox Populi Award winner Rosalie Riegle doing book signing Read More »
As we move toward the annual meeting in Oklahoma City, it’s incumbent that we fruitfully employ social media to maximize the impact of the meeting, and by extension OHA itself. Accordingly we are encouraging OHA members, H-Oralhist subscribers, and conference attendees to do the following: 1) Like us on Facebook. Only a minority of the
In addition to the regularly scheduled book signing, scheduled for Friday, October 11 from 3:15-3:45 in the meeting exhibit hall, the Oklahoma University Press will be sponsoring a special signing. Stephen Fagin, author of Assassination and Commemoration: JFK, Dallas, and The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza, will be signing copies of his book at
Special book signing at Oklahoma University Press booth in meeting exhibit hall Read More »
The Southern Foodways Alliance will be represented in one of the OHA 2013 Annual Meeting plenary sessions. Below is their announcement celebrating the oral history archives at the SFA. Welcome to the SFA’s first-ever Oral History Week. Did you know: We’ve had an online oral history archive since the inception of our oral history
Southern Foodways Alliance Celebrates Oral History Read More »
Recent recognition for students at Little Rock’s Central High School, who will be among the presenters at this year’s OHA annual meeting. Congratulations to the next generation of oral historians! https://www.southernliving.com/travel/new-heroes-civil-rights-little-rock-central-high-students-00417000083907/
Students of Little Rock High – The Memory Project Read More »