The Oral History Review

The biannual Oral History Review (OHR) is the U.S. journal of record for the theory and practice of oral history and related fields. It is published by the Oral History Association housed at Baylor University. The current editor is Holly Werner-Thomas. You can reach her via email at For more information about the journal and to subscribe, see About the Oral History Review. To submit a research article, please see the Article Submission Guidelines. For inquiries regarding submitting reviews for our book and media sections, see Book and Media Review Submissions. And if you have an idea, notice, or question, for OHR Extra!, our online content publication, please contact the Media Review Editor Bud Kliment via email at

About the latest volume (51.2)

The current issue of the Oral History Review includes timely articles on everything from climate change to oral history pedagogy to archival practice to working in community, as well as an original piece from historian Anna Kaplan that questions the dichotomy that oral historians have developed in recent years regarding the field’s origins and genealogy. The current issue of the Oral History Review also includes two articles on disaster and climate change, the latter a subject that the Review will continue to focus on and develop. One, from Liz Skilton, offers oral historians to learn a useful tool from the field of public history, the History Harvest. The other, from OHA Emerging Crisis Award Winner Ricia Anne Chansky, addresses Hurricane María’s devastation. Pedagogy is another area several authors in current issue emphasize, from Anna Sheftel and her students’ collaborative project concerning activism, to Lisa Dush and Brittan Nannenga’s student-archivist project at DePaul University in Chicago, to Czech scholar Marie Fritzová, who joined two Israelis, Uzi Ben-Shalom and Nehemia Stern, to understand students’ lives through COVID-19 and afterwards across their countries.

Note: OHA members receive digital access to the Oral History Review, current and past issues (back to 1973). Members can also opt in to receive print issues of the journal twice a year.* 

  • Individual Members
    • Online access to the journal is available to individual members through the OHA member website. Members log in and select the OHR Online tab on the member menu to reach the OHR archive hosted by Routledge, Taylor & Francis. To join and receive the journal, visit the OHA member website.
  • Institutional Subscribers
    • Online access to the journal is available to institutional subscribers on the Routledge website.

*Several Oral History Review articles are also available through Open Access contracts. Look for the orange tab with the unlocked lock icon or search the Oral History Review via the “Open access articles” tab on the left-hand menu.

OHR Table of Contents