OHA News


Blog: International Committee Scholarships

post by Leslie McCartney, International Committee Web Liaison Each year scholarship applications submitted by selected international participants for the upcoming OHA annual meeting are reviewed by the International Committee. This year ten applications were reviewed. With only $3,500.00 in total to offer, the decisions on which applications to fund were difficult ones for the committee. The

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Featured Institutional Member: Oklahoma Oral History Research Program

The Oklahoma Oral History Research Program (OOHRP) was founded in 2007 as part of the Oklahoma State University Library, with the goal of documenting and making accessible the history of Oklahoma and OSU through oral history interviews. In addition to conducting interviews staff members speak to classes, offer instruction and lead workshops. Undergraduate and graduate students

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Blog: Notes from the classroom

Post written Miriam Laytner, Oral History Intern, Apollo Theater Oral History Project The Apollo Theater Oral History Project at Community School 154, The Harriet Tubman Learning Center in New York City is almost complete for 2013-14. The interviews have been completed, the stories gathered and the group poem and plays performed.  Though the calendar says

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Oral History Association elected to American Council of Learned Societies

The Oral History Association, the national professional organization based at Georgia State University, has been selected as the latest member of the prestigious American Council for Learned Societies.  The selection was made on May 9, 2014, at the ACLS annual meeting. Founded in 1919, the 72-member ACLS is the preeminent representative of American scholarship in

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Blog: European Social Science History Conference

Post by Leslie McCartney, International Committee Web Liaison I attended the European Social Science History Conference (10th Edition) held in the beautiful city of Vienna in Austria from April 23-26, 2014.  The ESSHC conference is organized by the International Institute of Social History, an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.  The aim

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Oral History Association response to developments in Boston College case

The recent arrest of Gerry Adams has been linked to the Belfast Project of Boston College, where oral history interviews conducted with the promise of confidentiality were subpoenaed and eventually released. The case raises in high relief a number of important ethical, legal and procedural issues pertaining to oral history. It also offers an opportunity

Oral History Association response to developments in Boston College case Read More »

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