OHA News

President’s Column

By Dan Kerr April 2021              The Oral History Association is committed to following through on our core values, and I would like to focus on two of them (see our Strategic Plan for the other three): Sustainability. We steward our field and organization to ensure that our work is valued and accessible.             Transparency. […]

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OHA’s Response to the Violent Attacks Against Asian Americans

March 22, 2021 In light of the recent violent attacks against the Asian American community, the OHA has done several things to support our friends and neighbors. We have signed onto a statement with fellow professional societies affiliated with the American Council of Learned Societies, decrying the violence. The Council has also gathered together resources

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Anti-Oppression and Oral History Spring Workshop Series

The Oral History Association is proud to partner with the Columbia Oral History Master of Arts Program to co-sponsor a spring workshop series on Anti-Oppression and Oral History. This series will consist of five virtual workshops and is a continued collaboration from the Summer 2020 Anti-Oppression Workshop Series. “Oral history has a strong tradition as

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Co-Executive Directors’ Report

By Kristine McCusker February 2021 Newsletter We hope that, during in the difficulties of a pandemic and political and economic uncertainty, you are surviving. The OHA is navigating the perils of the pandemic well, thanks to the hard work of Council, volunteers and our intrepid Program Associate Faith Bagley. We are busy planning #OHA2021 and

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President’s Column

By Dan Kerr February 2021 Newsletter The Oral History Association’s Vision Statement: We envision a world where a deep humanistic understanding of the past, developed through a process of listening and mutual respect, shapes a more inclusive and equitable future. The waning days of the Trump administration posed unprecedented challenges for the United States as

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OHA Upcoming Webinars

January 28: Protect the Value of  Your Labor: Survival Skills for Freelancing in Oral History  Coming January 28, 2021, from 1:00 until 2:30 EST: Protect The Value Of Your Labor: Survival Skills for Freelancing in Oral History. Led by Liz Strong. Working in oral history is fraught with requests for unpaid work, tight budgets for ambitious

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Co-Executive Directors’ Column

By Kristine McCusker We want to thank everyone who made the Oral History Association’s first virtual conference such a stunning success. We were grateful to the Program Committee, especially chairs Shanna Farrell and Kelly Navies, for organizing such a robust program. We also loved the virtual visit to Baltimore, thanks to the Local Arrangements chairs,

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President’s Letter

By Daniel Kerr The year 2020 has been a year of crisis, trauma and resilience. In his introduction to the edited collection, Listening on the Edge: Oral History in the Aftermath of Crisis (2014), Mark Cave leads off with a statement that feels more true now than ever before, “Crisis is a historical constant.” He

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Chinese and Spanish Translations of the OHA’s Principles and Best Practices Now Available!

The Principles and Best Practices Documents are now available in Spanish and Chinese! The documents are linked in the Principle and Best Practices suite of documents: https://oralhistory.org/principles-and-best-practices-revised-2018/. Thank you to Denise Amparan, Administrative Assistant, and Vianey Alejandra Zavala, Manager of the University of Texas at El Paso Institute of Oral History, for completing the Spanish

Chinese and Spanish Translations of the OHA’s Principles and Best Practices Now Available! Read More »

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