OHA Article Award

In 1993, the Oral History Association established an honorific award to recognize a published article or essay that uses oral history to make a significant contribution to contemporary scholarship; significantly advances understanding of important theoretical issues in oral history; and/or is an outstanding example of sound oral history methodology.

The next award will be made at the OHA’s 2025 annual meeting. The winning author(s) will receive an award plaque, a one-year membership in the OHA, and complimentary registration for the annual meeting.

Articles published between January 1 to December 31 of the previous year are eligible for consideration. The OHA welcomes entries that represent the work of academic scholars, public historians, professionals in history-related disciplines, and community-based individuals and groups. Entries are welcome from around the world but must be in English.

Submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
  • Contribution to socio/historical inquiry
  • Contribution to the practice of oral history
  • Adherence to sound methodology in the conduct of interviews, including the deposit of completed interviews in a public repository for subsequent use and reinterpretation, where appropriate
  • Skillfulness and originality of presentation

The award may be granted to a publication that, at least in part, derives its significance from germinal work done previously by the author(s). Submissions for this award are limited to articles and essays. For consideration of a book-length project, please submit to the OHA Book Award.

To Submit:

Upload one PDF copy of the article or essay, as well as a nomination letter that assesses the work’s significance, current impact, and contributions to knowledge and/or the practice of oral history. (Please make sure the title of each document includes the author’s last name). The submission portal is now open! Click here to apply!

Committee Chair: Todd Moye | 2023-2026 | todd.moye@unt.edu

Kathy Newfont | 2023-2026
Jonathan Coulis | 2023-2026
Nadia Awad | 2023-2026

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