International Committee Blog


Upcoming International Summer School of Oral History in Prague – September 5 – 13, 2016

Instructors will include Rob Perks (UK), Alexander von Plato (Germany), David King Dunaway (USA), Monika Vrzgulová (Slovakia), Miroslav Vaněk (Czech Republic), Pavel Mücke (Czech Republic) and other teachers from our Department of Oral History – Contemporary History.

Registration due by April 30, 2016

For more information

See attachment for Call for Registrations. Summer School_Call for Applications [439593]

Scholarship Applications – Mark Your Calendars

Applications to the Oral History Association Annual Meeting Scholarships will be posted in March.  Check for updates.

XIXth International Oral History Conference, June 27-July 1, 2016, Bangalore, India

If you are planning to attend this conference, the following website has details on the conference scheduled, scholarships, registration, visas, accommodation and more:

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