Oral History Forum d’histoire orale announces Annotated Bibliography of Oral History in Canada: 1980-2012

The Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is proud to announce a new resource:
Annotated Bibliography of Oral History in Canada: 1980 – 2012
by Kristina R. Llewellyn and Dana Nowak (Renison University College, Waterloo University)



Oral history in Canada has flourished over the past two decades. There is a lack of knowledge, however, regarding the depth of publications in the field and the numerous scholars across the country who are engaged in oral history methods. This annotated bibliography is intended to act as a research guide for interdisciplinary scholars in the field. The bibliography was completed in the fall of 2012 by Dr. Kristina R. Llewellyn and her research assistant Dana Nowak. The authors conducted extensive searches in social sciences and humanities library databases for published works in the field of oral history with a Canadian subject focus. Keyword searches associated with oral history were inclusive of, but not exclusive to, oral tradition, narrative, storytelling, and folklore. Some additions were made to the bibliography based on the authors’ knowledge of other published works. The annotations are those provided by the authors and/or publishers (some with minor grammatical changes). The bibliography is only a partial list of Canadian oral history publications. The search methods particularly limited the findings for chapters in edited collections and articles published in journals outside the social sciences and humanities.
Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is committed to updating this bibliography as the field continues to develop.

Oral History Forum d’histoire orale is the open access online journal of the Canadian Oral History Association.