Education Committee

The Oral History Association is deeply committed to the use of oral history as an educational methodology. The Education Committee promotes the use of oral history in the classroom at all levels of instruction and works to assure that the OHA addresses the needs of teachers.

The Primary Purposes of the Education committee are:

  • To promote excellence in oral history education in accordance with Oral History Association Evaluation Guidelines;
  • To promote communication between oral history educators, and between oral history educators and other oral history practitioners;
  • To recognize outstanding achievement in oral history education;
  • To involve more educators in the activities of the Oral History Association through membership, the web site, publications, and annual meetings;
  • To create and share models for exemplary oral history education.


Andrea L’Hommedieu | 2023-2026 |

Committee members:

  • Matthew Strandmark | 2020-2025
  • Anu Kasarabada | 2022-2025
  • Kris Dearmin | 2022-2025
  • Shae Corey | 2022-2025
  • Marilyn McKinley Parrish | 2023-2026
  • Gigi Amateau | 2023-2026

OHA Council Liaison:

Kelly Elaine Navies |

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