Whitney Myers

Sacred Stories LLC
Whitney Myers is the owner and founder of Sacred Stories, an Austin-based legacy and tributevideo production company. She serves as producer and principal interviewer on each filmproject. Whitney is a member of the International Center for Life Story Practice & Innovation, theOral History Association, Senior Industry Services of Austin, and Lake Travis Senior Services.Amongst her other professional skills and qualifications, she has a Graduate Certificate in Life Story Practiceand Research from the University of Connecticut & is a trained Narrative 4 Story ExchangeFacilitator. Whitney is a self-described "connector of people" & loves to discover ways that thestories of our lives are intertwined.


Graduate Certificate in Life Story Practice and Research, University of Connecticut 2021


Storytelling, Community Storytelling, Listening, Filmmaking, Reminiscence, Life Review, Life Stories, Memory Loss


Regions Available for Work

Other Regions: United States

Purpose of Contact

  • I am available for hire - as an oral historian, consultant, presenter, educator, or related services
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