Nairy AbdElShafy

Nairy AbdElShafy is an Egyptian educator, oral historian and social researcher who likes experimenting with different forms of audio-visual production. She has worked on documenting personal stories within different migrant and internally displaced communities in Egypt and abroad. In 2020, she was the oral history coordinator for a project documenting the Egyptian educational reforms. In her capacity as a trainer and facilitator she has extensively worked on non-formal education, intercultural learning, sustainable development and peace education. She holds an MA in Oral History from Columbia University, a BSc. of Political Science from Cairo University and has completed her first short documentary film in early 2023.

Purpose of Contact

  • I am available to answer questions, or provide mentorship to other oral historians
  • I am available for hire - as an oral historian, consultant, presenter, educator, or related services
  • I am available to collaborate - on research, community projects, artistic endeavors, or other joint undertakings with peers
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