Marc Henderson
Since 2018 I have managed my organizations oral history project, and curated its analog and digital archives: Project manager. I plan, coordinate, and administer the Vietnam War Commemorations Oral History Program to include obtaining appropriate venues, scheduling interviews, drafting scripts, coordinating videographer's schedule, and processing, preserving, digitizing, and archiving documents and photos to professional historical archival standards. I personally conducted nearly 400 interviews with Vietnam War veterans. I developed an ad hoc searchable database of a digital oral history archive of nearly 850 interviews. Digital curator. I developed standard operating procedures for an online presence of the organizations oral history archive, including its website and Vimeo site. I manage, curate, and preserve digital files and the archive database. I ensure all publicly accessible interview videos from the project are transcribed and captioned to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Digital archivist. I prepare both print and audio-visual media archive materials for digital conversion and accessioning at the Library of Congress Folk Life Center Veterans History Project, including interview materials videos, release forms, transcripts, photos, and other materials.
Regions Available for Work
Other Regions: Northern Virginia|| District of Columbia
The Vietnam War Commemoration Oral History Project collects and preserves video-recorded interviews of Vietnam veterans and their family members to honor their service, to add to public understanding of their experience and sacrifice, and to add to the historic record. Their stories provide the public with a clearer picture of military service and the effect of that service on the people waiting back home. It considers the individual experience of war and how Americans remember the war 50 years later. The range of experiences can also challenge conventional understandings of the war and the American service person.
- Other:
- Military History, Public Service
Purpose of Contact
- I am available to collaborate - on research, community projects, artistic endeavors, or other joint undertakings with peers