Heather Daniels Pusey

Yiddish Book Center
I tend to the threads of spirit, mindfulness, dignity, interconnection, grief work, collective care, and the stories behind the people spreading their knowledge and passion about these topics. I continually take part in conversations and trainings based within social justice, decolonization, anti-racism, harm reduction, respectful land stewardship, indigenous rights, liberation, reciprocity, disability justice, and neurodiversity. My areas of creative expertise include web design, videography, photography, audio engineering, post-production, space holding, and deep listening. My technical expertise includes Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Studio, Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, Gsuite, MacOS, media management, workflow design, digital archiving, oral history, and social media platforms.


My oral history work was built upon a sturdy foundation of documentary filmmaking and archival work. I first fell in love with the craft while traveling with the Wexler Oral History Project as their videographer, audio engineer, and photographer. Those four years provided an amazing opportunity to witness a vast array of interviews all across the continent. I then extended into other oral history projects, while receiving an oral history certification through Baylor University. I've continued to pursue ongoing OHMA / Columbia Oral History trainings, such as The NYC Trans Oral History Project and Rethinking Oral History Methodology, Land Back! The Importance of Oral History in First Nation Land Claims Cases, Oral History: A Working Praxis of Critical Care and Relationship-Building, and Equity Budgeting: Budgets for Economic Justice.Over the span of my career I have managed four major audiovisual archives. From 2004-2008 I edited, digitized, and organized digital programming for North Andover Community Access. From 2011-2015 I served as an editor, media manager, database technician, archivist, and general go-to post-production manager for Compass Light Productions. We worked out of a 3 Suite, RAID based, DROBO backed system, connected to an internal server, all of which I helped create, digitize, manage and maintain. I also digitized and archived the entirety of their 20+ year collection of analogue footage and content. From 2015-2023 I served as the video editor and oversaw the digitization of all filmed Camden Conferences, managing the entirety of the conferences extensive history of digital media and video archive, making the conference free and available to the public. I now work for the Yiddish Book Center's Wexler Oral History Project as their video editor and oral history archives manager, providing on-site technical support for the ongoing processing of the Wexler Oral History Projects rapidly expanding digital collection of in-depth oral history interviews about Yiddish language and culture and managing on-site and off-site storage and back-ups of the large and expanding digital video archive to ensure long-term preservation and access.


Video editing, videography, photography, audio engineering, general post-production, space holding, Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Studio, Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, media management, workflow design, digital archiving, and oral history.


Regions Available for Work

Other Regions: Based out of Western Massachusetts and Midcoast / Downeast Maine. Willing to travel.


My work has grown out of centering integrity, harm reduction, and deep listening. I wish to inspire others to explore, reweave, and deepen their connection with the more than human world. My hope is within the practice of rooted remembering, mutual respect will increase and suffering will diminish for all.

Purpose of Contact

  • I am available to answer questions, or provide mentorship to other oral historians
  • I am available for hire - as an oral historian, consultant, presenter, educator, or related services
  • I am available to collaborate - on research, community projects, artistic endeavors, or other joint undertakings with peers
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