Proposals are now being accepted online for the 2018 Annual Meeting co-hosted by Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Read the Call for Papers and submit at OHA 2018. You will need to create a new account (see the “login here” box on the website) in order to submit a proposal. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2018.
Submitters may select from the following categories:
Individual Paper
A 10-15 minute presentation to be combined with other papers to form a panel of 3-4 papers
Facilitated Discussion
Open, facilitated conversation with audience members around a question or issue in oral history. Those proposing a facilitated conversation should explain their topic, propose at least two facilitators for the session, and explain how the session will be facilitated.
Listening Session
2-3 researchers share longer excerpts from their interviews (up to 30 minutes of audio total), and then generate a conversation with the audience. This is a chance for audience and researcher to discuss the ethical, interpretive, or pragmatic issues that arise in the interviews and for researchers to get feedback on their interviewing method, or to engage in shared interpretation with colleagues of thorny or complex issues. Proposal should describe how session will be facilitated.
2-3 workshop leaders share knowledge and expertise about a particular oral history tool, technology, technique, lesson plan, or software in a short “how to” session. Proposal should clearly explain plan for interactive session and what participants can expect to learn.
3-4 speakers present papers, 10-20 minutes each. Includes a chair and may include a commentator (The chair/commentator can be the same person.)
An aesthetic or artistic production involving two or more persons. Includes a chair and may include a commentator.
3-6 speakers make 5-10 minute introductory remarks and engage in a discussion with each other and the audience. Includes a chair.