OHA 2025 Election – Call for Nominations

Oral History Association volunteers serving as officers, council members, and committee members lead and shape the organization. We are grateful for the time and service of so many talented individuals, and we invite more people to join in this process by nominating yourself or someone else to a leadership position.

Help us move the organization forward toward its strategic goals and focus on social justice. We’re looking for potential candidates who fit some or all of these needs in open elected OHA leadership positions:

  • Are familiar with OHA and how it operates, possibly by attending several annual meetings; serving on a committee, task force, or caucus; etc.
  • Are experienced with oral history and/or related fields and are immersed in current conversations about best practices, community-building, equitable pay, social justice, etc.
  • Have experience with program and/or organizational leadership.
  • Bring different perspectives from the OHA membership to decision-making conversations.

If you’d like to nominate yourself, please submit a statement of interest. If you’d like to nominate someone else, please submit a recommendation. See below for more information.

The Nominating Committee seeks nominations for:

  • OHA First Vice President (1 seat) to be elected for a one-year term (2025-2026) and a four-year commitment (first serving as First VP, then as VP, President, and Past President).
  • OHA Council (2 seats) to be elected for a three-year term (2025-2028).

Underrepresented members are especially welcome, as per the OHA Statement on Diversity and Inclusivity: https://www.oralhistory.org/about/oha-statement-on-diversity-and-inclusivity/.

The OHA Council & Committee Responsibilities document has more detailed descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of OHA officers and council members, linked here: https://www.oralhistory.org/about/association-business/.

Statements of interest and recommendations must include: name, contact information, and a paragraph summarizing the nominee’s qualifications and vision. All candidates need to become OHA members following their official nomination.

The Committee and Council will review all statements of interest and recommendations and select at least two candidates for each position to bring to the membership for election.

Deadline to submit is February 15, 2025.

To make a nomination or talk to someone about this before nominating someone, email the OHA Nominating Committee co-chairs Debbie Ardemendo: debbie.ardemendo@apollotheater.org  and/or Christa P. Whitney cwhitney@yiddishbookcenter.org

Thank you,
The Nominating Committee
Christa P. Whitney, co-chair
Debbie Ardemendo, co-chair
Anna F. Kaplan
Cynthia Tobar
Crystal Baik
Dan Kerr

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