Open Call for Committee Members

The Oral History Association’s Committee on Committees invites your participation in OHA’s standing committees and/or award committees with this Open Call for Committee Members. Committees are the backbone of many of the Association’s achievements and activities. Among the duties is advocating for oral history and the Association, developing education and public programming initiatives, fostering networking opportunities, fundraising for the Association, building on the Association and the field’s commitment to inclusion, overseeing the Association’s publications, and working through the Association to recognize great publications, teaching, programming, and applications of oral history.

Successful committee work requires a diversity of perspectives:  people with different life and professional circumstances, and people in different phases of their careers and engagements with oral history.  We encourage both longtime and newer members to join committees.  Committee work can be a lot of fun and lead to lasting friendships.  To indicate your interest, complete this form by September 16.   

Committee service includes planning, implementing, and assessing activities and projects that address a committee’s charge. Members contribute their creativity and organizational skills and share the work to the extent that their circumstances permit. Committees meet remotely according to a schedule set by the committee itself and in person during OHA’s annual meeting for those able to attend. Meetings are intended to build collegiality, chart the committee’s course, and sustain momentum. The Call includes descriptions of OHA’s committees as well as other information.  Serving on a committee is a way to contribute to and engage with an organization that advances oral history. It provides opportunities for networking, professional development, and leadership. Equally important, it’s a way to meet people and learn about new and dynamic work in oral history.  Please reach out to Committee on Committee Co-Chairs Eric Hung ( and Regennia Williams ( or any of the committee chairs included in the committee descriptions, if you have questions.  

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