The US Latina & Latino Oral History Journal—Editor Search

Applications Due January 6, 2025

Pioneering scholar in 1971 Juan Gómez-Quiñones recognized oral history interviews “an indispensable source.” In 2012, scholars Maria McDonald and Abraham Hoffman urged others to interview more Chicano activists – “living documents” – while there was still time.

In recognition of oral history as an essential methodology to research the Latina/o experience in the US, the Journal was established in 2017. Its goals: to promote high-quality, peer-reviewed academic research, providing a platform and feedback to authors; spotlighting successful community efforts that include oral histories; reviewing books that used oral history to study the Latina/o history in the US. Now in its ninth year, the journal seeks a new editor for a four-year term (2026-2029). The new editor will serve as the Associate Editor in spring 2025, observing Journal operations. In 2026, the new Editor will assume all duties.

The peer-reviewed Journal is sponsored by the Voces Oral History Center at the University of Texas at Austin’s Moody College of Communication and published annually by the University of Texas Press. UT Press coordinates editorial production, manufacturing, distribution, and financial management of the Journal—which is self-supporting.

The Editor would work closely with two managing editors (MEs), paid by Voces. The editor works closely with two managing editors. One distributes submissions to the reviewers and communicates with authors submitting/resubmitting manuscripts; the other works on the production side, ensuring the quality of the images and accuracy of the captions. The incoming Editor is expected to secure a course release from their respective institution as an incentive. In addition, a modest stipend from Voces will be offered.

Editor’s duties:

  • Supervise the managing editors to oversee all aspects of Journal operations
  • Provide an initial reading of article submissions to ensure they are appropriate for distribution to blind reviewers
  • Promote the Journal at conferences and other meetings where appropriate
  • Work closely with the University of Texas Press journal production team at the various stages of production
  • Schedule and host an annual Journal Editorial Board teleconference meeting to discuss current submissions and future work
  • Ensure that standing features meet deadlines
  • Write the Editor’s Note to preface each issue
  • Ensure the Journal meets its annual early April submission deadline for fall publication.


  • Demonstrated commitment to oral history methodology and/or theory
  • Some record of using oral history in academic writing
  • Demonstrated commitment to research on Latina/o experiences in the U.S.
  • Familiarity with the U.S. Latina & Latino Oral History Journal
  • Must secure institutional support in the form of a course release

Deadline to apply: Monday, January 6th, 2025.

Please submit the following materials through this Qualtrics link:

  1. A CV
  2. A short statement (no longer than two pages, double-spaced) of why you wish to be the new editor and what you bring to the position
  3. A written commitment from the candidate’s institution (dean or above) that they will provide at least one course release annually for the duration of the editorship
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