OHA 2014 Annual Meeting Program Now Online

The Preliminary Program for the OHA 2014 annual meeting is now posted.  We are delighted to make available much more information than ever before.

You may simply view the program by clicking “View the Online Program ” on the left side of the screen at the All Academic site.  If you want to customize a schedule for yourself, you will first need to login to the All Academic system. If you have an account that you created to submit your session, you may use your existing username and password. If you do not have an existing account, select “Create a New Account” in the login box on the right. This will allow you to enter your own information to access the program and build your schedule.

You will be able to view the abstract for each session as well as all the individual paper abstracts that make up panel sessions. You will also be able to search the program by individual, session type, time, room, and keywords. (By early July, you’ll be able to search by day and see a full day’s schedule as well.)  The program will be updated throughout the summer.

If you see items that are incorrect, please contact OHA at oha@gsu.edu. We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be an outstanding conference!